I have forgot my wireless password, how do I recover it?
Please follow these steps to recover your password.
Note: Some routers do not have the ability to recover your wireless password. If the following do not work, you will need to change the password altogether.
Method 1
Step 1: From a computer that is connected to the router (wired or wireless), Open your Internet browser and type the IP address of the router in the address bar. The default IP address is At the login, enter the username (admin) and your password (default password is nothing).
Note: If you have forgotten this password, you will have no choice but to reset the router to factory defaults.
Reset Procedure: With the router powered on, Press and hold the reset button (on the back of the router) for 10 seconds and release. The lights on the front of the router should all flash and reboot.)-
Step 2: Click on the Setup Tab at the top and click wireless settings on the left side
Step 3: Click on Add device with WPS (Note: If this option is not available on your router, see below)
Step 4: Choose Manual
Your wireless network information should now be visible, including your wireless password.
Method 2
Step 1: Click on the Setup Tab at the top and click wireless settings on the left side
Step 2: Click on manual wireless network setup
Step 3: Scroll down the page to "Wireless Security Mode".
This is the section where you specify the wireless password.
Your password my be visible or it may be all dots. (If all dots you will need to re-enter a new password).
If specifying a new password, ensure to click save settings at the top of the page once complete.
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