How to check system log for router?
There are 3 methods to check system log of router. Select Management -> System Log, and follow the methods as below:
Method 1: Log Settings
Step 1: Click Check System Log button, and download the file “messages” to your folder.
Step 2: Open the messages via WordPad/NotePad, then you can check system log.
Method 2: Syslog Settings
Step 1: Download system log server application, ex: Kiwi Syslog Server:
Step 2: Click File -> Setup, and fill in the IP address of your network device, then click Add:
Step 3: Enable “Enable Logging to Syslog Server”, and fill in the IP address of the PC installing
Kiwi Syslog Server:
Step 4: You’ll be able to check the log in Kiwi Syslog Service Manager as below:
Method 3: E-mail Settings
Step 1: Setup the e-mail information as below:
Step 2: You will receive the log email:
Method 1: Log Settings
Step 1: Click Check System Log button, and download the file “messages” to your folder.
Step 2: Open the messages via WordPad/NotePad, then you can check system log.
Method 2: Syslog Settings
Step 1: Download system log server application, ex: Kiwi Syslog Server:
Step 2: Click File -> Setup, and fill in the IP address of your network device, then click Add:
Step 3: Enable “Enable Logging to Syslog Server”, and fill in the IP address of the PC installing
Kiwi Syslog Server:
Step 4: You’ll be able to check the log in Kiwi Syslog Service Manager as below:
Method 3: E-mail Settings
Step 1: Setup the e-mail information as below:
Step 2: You will receive the log email:
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