Wireless N Parallel-Band Gigabit Router


  • Produkt Status: End of Life

Best in class features

The D-Link DIR-855 Gigabit Router is a 802.11n device that delivers up to 14x faster speeds¹ and 6x farther range¹ than 802.11g, while remaining backward compatible with 802.11g devices. Powered by Xtreme NTM technology and equipped with three external antennas, this router provides superior wireless coverage for larger homes and offi ces, or for users running bandwidth intensive applications. Connect the router to a cable or DSL modem and provide high-speed Internet access to multiple computers, game consoles, and media players. Create a secure wireless network to share photos, fi les, music, videos, printers, and network storage. The DIR-855 comes with dual-band function, which concurrently supports 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz radio frequencies, an LCD panel, and a 4-port 10/100/1000 Gigabit switch that connects Gigabit wired devices for lag-free network gaming and fast fi le transfers.

Intelligent QoS engine

The DIR-855 comes with D-Link’s Intelligent QoS technology, which analyzes and separates wired and wireless traffi c into multiple data streams. The DIR 855’s embedded Wireless Intelligent Stream Handling (WISH) technology improves wireless media by moving time-sensitive tagged traffic towards the front of the queue. WISH automatically detects multimedia, VoIP and online gaming applications, requiring no need for user confi guration. It works transparently with other QoS technologies to immediately improve wireless media speed.

Advanced network security

The Xtreme NTM Duo supports the latest wireless security features to help prevent unauthorized access, whether from over a wireless network or the Internet. Support for WPA and WPA2 standards ensure that you will be able to use the best possible encryption regardless of your client devices. In addition to these extensive features, this router utilizes Dual Active Firewalls, such as SPI and NAT, to prevent potential attacks from across the Internet.

Hard drive, multifunction printer sharing, 3G mobile internet connection

Using the SharePortTM Network USB Utility, you can connect an external hard drive or multifunction printer to the router’s USB port to share disk space, printing or scanning functions among family members or a group of users. This USB port also supports D-Link 3G adapter connection, so you can connect your router to a 3G mobile service to provide Internet access to a group while travelling.

Actual product appearance may differ from the image displayed on this page

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  • IEEE 802.11n (draft)
  • IEEE 802.11g
  • IEEE 802.11a
  • IEEE 802.3ab
  • IEEE 802.3u


Device interfaces

  • 802.11n (draft) wireless LAN
  • 1x 10/100/1000BASE-T Gigabit WAN port
  • 4x 10/100/1000BASE-T Gigabit LAN ports
  • USB 2.0 port


Antenna type

  • 3 External 2dBi RP-SMA dipole antennas



  • WPA & WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access)


Advanced firewall features

  • Network Address Translation
  • Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI)
  • VPN Pass-Through/Multi-Sessions PPTP/L2TP/IPSec



  • QoS Engine for prioritizing traffic
  • Wireless Intelligent Stream Handling (WISH)


SharePortTM Function support

  • Allows connection of external hard drive or multifunction printer to USB port
  • Allows sharing of HD space, printing and scanning functions*


Device management

  • UPnP Support
  • DDNS Support
  • Integrated Wireless Security Wizard
  • Windows Connect Now (WCN) support
  • Web-based Management using Internet Explorer v6 or above; Mozilla Firefox v2.0 or above; and other Java-enabled browsers
  • E-mail Notification for triggered events



  • Quick Router Setup Utility ²


Minimum system requirements

  • Pentium 3 800GHz or better processor
  • 256MB RAM or higher
  • Windows Vista, XP SP2, 2000, 2003 or Mac OS X v10.4 or higher
  • CD ROM drive
  • SharePortTM Network USB Utility


Display panel

  • 84 x 25.8 mm
  • Black and Blue



  • Power



  • 120.5 x 198 x 40.9 mm (4.7 x 7.8 x 1.6 inches)



  • 376 grams



  • FCC Class B
  • CE
  • IC
  • C-Tick
  • Wi-Fi a/b/g/n (draft)
  • Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)
  • Certified For Windows Vista


  • Wie ist die beste Ausrichtung der WLAN-Antennen meines Routers? Antwort lesen
  • Welche Formatierung muss das USB-Laufwerk haben? Antwort lesen
  • Warum kann ich WMM nicht ausschalten? Antwort lesen
  • Ich habe das Kennwort für die Oberfläche meines Routers vergessen. Was kann ich tun? Antwort lesen
This product was phased out on: 11/11/2011
This product's last date of support is on: 02/07/2014
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Mit Windows 8 mit einem WLAN verbinden
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Mit Windows 7 mit einem WLAN verbinden
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Ihr iPhone mit einem WLAN verbinden
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Das WLAN Ihres Routers einrichten
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Die Grafische Authentifizierung (CAPTCHA) in Ihrem Router ausschalten
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Das Admin-Kennwort Ihres Routers ändern
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Eine Kindersicherung in Ihrem Router einrichten
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Eine IP-Adressen-Reservierung in Ihrem Router einrichten
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Ihren Router auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Einen Port-Bereich (Port Range) in Ihrem Router freigeben/weiterleiten
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Die IP Adresse Ihres Routers ändern
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Einen einzelnen Port in Ihrem Router freigeben/weiterleiten
D-Link Video-Anleitung: UPnP Ihres Routers ausschalten
D-Link Video-Anleitung: Die Firmware Ihres Routers aktualisieren
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Handbuch in Englisch

Handbuch in Englisch

- - - Herunterladen
Handbuch in Französisch Handbuch in Französisch - - - Herunterladen
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1.24EUb01 Aktuelle Firmware
Behebt das WLAN-Kommunikationsproblem des Samsung Galaxy S4 mit dem DIR-855.
14.06.2013 - Herunterladen
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Product Emulator DIR-855 Product Emulator 24.07.2012 Herunterladen
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SharePort Utility für Windows 2000 (32 Bit), XP (32 Bit), Vista (32/64 Bit), 7 (32/64 Bit), 8 (32/64 Bit), 8.1 (32/64 Bit) und 10 (32/64 Bit)

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SharePort Utility für MacOS 10.6 bis 10.10

SharePort Utility für MacOS 10.6 bis 10.10

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