How do I configure DHCP reservation on my DIR series router?
DHCP Reservation is used to assign a specific IP address to a specific MAC address on the LAN.
To do so, use the following steps:
Step 1: Open a web browser and type the IP address of the DIR series router into the address bar (default is
Step 2: The default username is admin (all lower case) and the default password is blank (leave empty) unless one has been assign. Click on OK.
Step 3: Click on the Setup tab at the top and then click on Network Settings on the left-hand side.
Step 4: Scroll down to Add DHCP Reservation.
Step 5: Input a desired name and address. Click the Copy Your PC’s MAC Address button if you want to reserve for the computer in use. You may click on the Reserve link if available to the client you are reserving the IP address.
Note: If the Reservation address you’re creating is not for the machine that you are working from or not listed, you’ll need to obtain the MAC address of that machine.
Step 6: Click on the Save button then on Save Settings to apply your new settings.
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