What hard drive configuration is best for me?
This product can be setup differently, based on your needfor capacity (size), performance (speed) and redundancy (to preventdata loss). For RAID 0 or RAID 1, the most cost efficient solutionis using two hard drives of same capacity. The followingconfigurations are available:
Note that changing the hard drive configuration could insome cases erase your data. Based on that, we recommendbacking up all data before changing configuration.
Choose this configuration if you have one hard drive or two thatyou wish to keep separate.
Two volumes will show on your network with the respectivecapacity of the hard drives. You can use the volumes for differentcontent.
Example: HD1 (100GB) HD2 (120GB) => HD1 (100GB) HD2 (120GB)
Choose this configuration if you have two hard drives, and wishto combine them with maximum capacity.
On your network, the DNS-323 will show one volume with the totalcapacity of both hard drives.
Example: HD1 (100GB) HD2 (120GB) => HD1(220GB)
Choose this configuration if you have two hard drives, and wishto combine them for maximum performance. This allows data to betransferred at a higher speed.
On your network, the DNS-323 will show one volume, with thecapacity of the smallest hard drive x2.
Example: HD1 (100GB) HD2 (120GB) => RAID 0 array with 200GB capacity
Choose this configuration if you have two hard drives, and wishto mirror them for redundancy and performance.
If one hard drive fails, the other still has all of the data andcan re-mirror when the failed hard drive is replaced.
On your network, the DNS-323 will show one volume, with thecapacity of the smallest hard drive.
Example: HD1 (100GB) HD2 (120GB) => RAID 1 array with 100GB capacity
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