How do I upgrade the firmware on my DNS-313/323?
- Download the latest firmware from our website and save it to afile on your computer. There is a direct link to this page inthe 'FIRMWARE UPGRADE' section of the DNS-313/323configuration.
- Extract the contents of that file to a folder. In Windows XP,you can right-click on it and select 'Extract All...'. Inother versions of Windows you will need 3rd-party software to dothis.
- Using your web browser, open the configuration page of thedevice (if you are having problems accessing this page, see
- Enter your username (default: admin) and password (default: nopassword). Click Config to access theconfiguration page.
- Click on the Tools tab, then on theFirmware button on the left side. Click on theBrowse button and locate the folder you saved thefirmware to. Select the .bin or .dlf file by clicking on it, thenclick Open.
- Click Apply to copy the firmware to theDNS-313/323 and perform the upgrade. The process will take around30 seconds to complete. Do NOT turn off the devicewhile the upgrade is in process. When it has finished, clickContinue.
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