How do I setup the built-in FTP Server?
Open your web browser and login to the DNS-323 management (webGUI) at http://DNS-xxxyyy (where xxxyyy are the last six digits of the MAC address, printed on the bottom of the unit) or its IP address (default:
In ADVANCED - USER, create at least one user account.
If required, create group accounts in ADVANCED -GROUPS.
In ADVANCED - FTP SERVER, select the user or group you wish to grant FTP access.
Select one or more folders, the account should have access to. For access to the entire volume, select root.
Set the permission level to Read Only or Read/Write. If unsure, keep default value.
Set how many users which will be allowed FTP access simultaneously for respective account in Max Users. If unsure, keep default value.
Set Idle Time to how many minutes a user can be idle beforegetting disconnected. If unsure, keep default value.
Set the Port that the FTP Server should use. If unsure, keepdefault value.
Limit the bandwidth of the account in Flow Control. If unsure,keep default value.
To activate the FTP account, press Apply. All FTP account willbe listed under FTP ACCESS LIST.
To activate the internal FTP server, press Start FTP Server.
You can now use a FTP client to access your FTP account, with the username and password you assigned.
Some web browsers offer simple FTP functions, where you can access the DNS-323 like
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