What wireless security does the DIR-635 offer?
DIR-635 can be setup with the following wirelesssecurity standards:
- WEP (firmware 1.07 or above)
Authentication using a network key
Note: Enabling WEP on a DRAFT N connection will cap thespeed to 54mbps. To gain the Draft N possible speeds, WPA2 isreccomended. However WPA will also work.
- WPA Personal
Authentication using a pre shared key (PSK)
- WPA Enterprise
Authentication using 802.1x protocol. Requires aRADUIS server. TKIP or AES.
- WPA2 Personal
Authentication using a pre shared key (PSK)
- WPA2 Enterprise
Authentication using 802.1x protocol. Requires a RADUISserver. TKIP or AES.
Mac address filter
By default the DIR-635 accepts new connections. If youenable this filter, you may choose to allow or ban machinesbased on their physical MAC address.
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