On the DP-300 serial port which pins are used to communicate with my printer?
Some printer don't use all pins on the RS-232connector, so bear in mind that pins 4 & 6 need tobe looped back in order for the DP-300 to 'see' the deviceattached on the Serial Port, and list it as 'online'. For list ofall pins and functions, see list below.
9-pin Signal Function
1 DCD Data Carrier Detected(DCE->DTE)
2 RXD Received Data (DCE->DTE)
3 TXD Transmitted Data(DTE->DCE)
4 DTR Data Terminal Ready (DTE->DCE)
5 Gnd Signal Ground
6 DSR Data Set Ready (DCE->DTE)
7 RTS Request to Send(DTE->DCE)
8 CTS Clear to Send(DCE->DTE)
9 RI Ring Indicator (DCE->DTE)
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