What file types are supported by SharePort Mobile?
Sorting- What tab each file type will be sorted under
Photos: .bmp .gif .ipg .png .psd .tif
Music: .aac .mid .mp3 .mpa .ra .wav .wma .m4a
Video: .3g2 .3gp .asf .asx .avi .flv .mov .mp4 .mpg .rm .swf .vob .wmv .m4v
Doc: .doc .docx .pps .ppt .xls .xlsx .pdf
Audio formats supported by both iOS and Android through the APP
iOS: .wav .mp3 .aac
Android: depends on which format supported by the media player app installed in the device.
Video files supported by the app
iOS: .m4v .mp4 .mov
Android: depends on which format supported by the media player app installed in the device.
Updated: 11/8/2012
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