How do I use Mac OS X to connect with VPN?
The DI-804HV and DI-824VUP support VPNconnections from computers using theprotocols PPTP, L2TP or IPSec. Macintosh OS X hasbuilt in VPN client (software), supporting protocols PPTPor L2TP (over IPSec).
Configure DI-804HV or DI-824VUP like thisexample:
From any host on the LAN, access the Web User Interface,with Internet Explorer
In Home - VPN, enable VPN, setthe Max. number of tunnels to a value above 0,Apply.
In Home - VPN - PPTP Server Setting, enablePPTP Server, set the Virtual IP of PPTPServer (leave to defaults if unsure), set theAuthentication Protocol (select MSCHAP if unsure).Create a new account by assigning a Tunnel Name,User Name and Password. PressApply.
From the OS X host on the WAN (or any remote location willfull Internet access)
In Applications - Internet Connect, pressVPN and choose the mode PPTP.
In Server address, type in the WAN IP addressof DI-804HVor DI-824VUP .
Type in the account username and password you created inadvance.
Press Connect.
Verify you connection by accessing (or PINGING) a remotehost on the LAN of DI-804HV or DI-824VUP .
As L2TP and IPSec are not separate modes on the built in OSX client, it's not possible to use this mode. You willneed an additional software, like VPN Tracker.
As L2TP and IPSec are not separate modes on the built in OSX client, it's not possible to use this mode. You willneed an additional software, like VPN Tracker.
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