How do I configure the time on my DI-634M?
Step 1Open a web browser and type the IPaddress of the DI-634M into the address bar (default is192.168.0.1). Press Enter.
Step 2 The default username isadmin (all lower case) and the default password isblank (nothing). Click OK.
Step 3 Click on the Tools tab atthe top and then click on Time on the leftside.
Step 4 Select Automatic toautomatically sync the time with an NTP server, and enter the NTPserver next to Customized NTP.
Note: NTP servers can be designated by either IPaddress or domain name, but most NTP server operators suggest youutilize the domain name as server addresses are subject tochange.
Select Manual to set the time manually. Click onComputer Clock to sync the time with yourcomputer.
Step 5 Select your time zone using the drop-downlist next to Time Zone.
Step 6 Click on Apply to saveyour settings.
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