How do I configure MAC filters on my DI-634M?
Step 1Open a web browser and type the IPaddress of the DI-634M in the address bar (default is192.168.0.1).
Step 2 The default username isadmin (all lower case) and the default password isblank (nothing). Click on OK.
Step 3 Click on the Advanced tabat the top and then on Filters to the leftside.
Step 4 Select the radio button for the mode thatyou would like to use.
Disabled - Disables this feature and will allowall clients to connect.
Allow - Blocks all clients except for what youenter in the list.
Deny - Allows all clients except for what youenter in the list.
Step 5Enter a name to identify this MAC filternext to Name.
Step 6 Enter the MAC address of the computer orselect it using the drop-down list next to DHCPClient and click on Clone.
Step 7 Click on Apply to savethe settings.
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