How to setup U-APSD in the Nuclias Portal and confirm function work in air packets ?


Nuclias Portal --- Internet --- Router --- DBA ))) PC

* Nuclias Portal fw:

* DBA-2520P fw: 2.01.002



1. Login to Nuclias Portal,

2. Go to Configure/ Access point/ profile/ Radio/ Advanced.

Nuclias setting UPASD

3. Enable UAPSD in Advanced page.

  3-1. Save and Push configuration.

  3-2. Capture air packet and check the UAPSD column in packet.

4. Disable UAPSD in Advanced page.

  4-1. Save and push configuration.

  4-2. Capture air packet and check the UAPSD column in packet.



At step 3-2, air packet can see UAPSD column display Enable.

Nuclias DBA U-APSD Enable

At step 4-2, air packet can see UAPSD column display Disable.

Nuclias DBA U-APSD Disable

Rank: 1.5

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