How do I reset my DCH-M225 to factory default settings?
Example: If you forget the password for your Audio Extender’s configuration interface, you can do a factory reset to return the settings to the factory defaults.
Note: Performing a factory reset will erase all current settings, and this action cannot be undone. Do not unplug the Audio Extender while performing a factory reset, as this can damage the unit.
Method 1: With the unit on, use a paperclip to press and hold the reset button (located in a hole on the base of the unit) for 10 seconds. The LED will turn red to indicate that the unit is rebooting. Wait about 30 seconds to access the extender. The default IP address is http://dlinkap.local or http://192.168.50, and there is no password required to access the configuration interface. Leave the Password field blank.
Method 2: From the main page of the configuration interface, move the cursor to Management at the top right-hand corner of the screen, then click System from the drop-down menu. Click the Restore button. A warning notification will appear to confirm the factory reset. Click OK to continue.
Note: Under factory default settings, there is no password required to access the configuration interface. Leave the Password field blank.
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