Do I need a Boot ROM in order to install the DE-528CT?
No, a Boot ROM is not required to install the DE-528CT, itis optional.
Instructions for installation without bootROM
1. Install DE-528CT card and connect it to a network cable.
2. Run HELP.EXE on the DE-528CT software diskette to view therelated installation instructions.
3. Run INSTALL.EXE on the DE-528CT software diskette to copy aspecific driver.
4. If necessary, modify files according to installationinstructions.
5. Restart the computer [Optional].
6. If the DE-528CT doesn t function properly, run SETUP.EXE onthe DE-528CT software diskette to locate the problem.
Instructions for installation with bootROM
1. Install the DE-528CT card and connect it to a networkcable.
2. Run HELP.EXE on the DE-528CT software diskette to viewinstallation instructions.
3. Run SETUP.EXE on the DE-528CT software diskette to configurethe card and the Boot ROM.
4. Restart the computer.
5. If the DE-528CT doesn t function properly, run SETUP.EXE onthe DE-528CT software diskette to locate the problem.
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