How do I reset my DFL-200/DFL-700/DFL-1100 back to factory default settings?
Note: The DFL-1100 can only be reset using aconsole connection and via the web-based configuration.
You can perform a factory reset using any of the three methodslisted below:
- Reset Button (DFL-200 & DFL-700 only)
- Web Configuration (DFL-200, DFL-700 & DFL-1100)
- Console Connection (DFL-200, DFL-700 & DFL-1100)
Reset Button
To perform a factory reset using the reset button, do thefollowing:
Step 1 Make sure that the DFL-200/DFL-700 ison.
Step 2 Press and hold the button located on theback of the DFL-200/DFL-700 below the word Reset using apaper clip for 10 seconds.
Web Configuration
To preform a factory reset using the web-based configuration, dothe following:
Step 1 Open a web browser and type the IP addressof the DFL-200/DFL-700/DFL-1100 in the address bar (default is192.168.1.1). Press Enter.
Step 2 The default username isadmin (all lower case) and there is no defaultpassword. Click OK.
Step 3 Click the Tools tab thenclick Reset to the left.
Step 4 Underneath the Restore to factorydefaults click on Restore to FactoryDefaults.
Note: On the next start up, the LAN IP addresswill be, and the web GUI will begin with the SetupWizard. The DFL-200/DFL-700/DFL-1100 will not accept connections onany interface other than the LAN interface.
Console Connection
To perform a factory reset using a console connection, do thefollowing:
Step 1 Connect one end of the supplied serialcable to the DFL-200/DFL-700/DFL-1100 and connect the other end toyour PC. If a serial cable did not come with yourDFL-200/DFL-700/DFL-1100 then contact Tech Support.
Step 2 Run HyperTerminal fromStart > Programs >Accessories > Communications> HyperTerminal.
Step 3 On the Connection Descriptionwindow, enter a name for this connection. ClickOK.
Step 4 On the Connect To window, selectthe COM port that the serial cable is connected to using thedrop-down box next to Connect Using. ClickOK.
Step 5 On the COMX Properties (Xrepresents the COM port number) window, select the followingsettings using the drop-down boxes:
- Bits per second - 9600
- Data bits - 8
- Parity - None
- Stop bits - 1
- Flow control - Hardware
Click OK
You will now see a blank screen which shows Connected atthe bottom left hand corner of the screen.
Step 6 Power off for 5 seconds and then power onthe DFL-200/DFL-700/DFL-1100.
Step 7 You will now see the screen below. Pressany key on your keyboard to load the boot menu.
Step 8 At the Boot Menu screen select1. Reset unit to factory defaults by pressing1 on your keyboard. PressEnter.
Step 9 When prompted, press Ythen press Enter to reset theDFL-200/DFL-700/DFL-1100 back to factory defaults.
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