How do I configure remote management?
Note: This FAQ will demonstrate how toconfigure remote management using HTTP and HTTPS.
Step 1: Open a web browser and type the IPaddress of the firewall into the address bar (default is192.168.1.1). Press Enter.
Step 2: The default username is admin (alllower case) and the password is admin (all lower case). Click onOK.
Step 3: Click on the plus sign next to Systemand then select Remote Management.
Step 4: Click on Add and then select HTTP/HTTPSmanagement from the dropdown menu.
Step 5: Configure the remote management asfollowed:
* Name: enter name as desired
* HTTP: check to enable
* HTTPS: check to enable
* User Database: AdminUsers.
* Access Level: Admin.
* Interface: select the interface to be given remote managementaccess to (wan in this example)
* Network: select the corresponding network for the selectedinterface (all-nets in this example)
Click on OK.
Step 6: Click on the Configuration tab andselect Save and Activate from the dropdown menu. Click on OK toactivate and save the changes.
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