How do I configure port mapping on my DFL-210/800/1600/2500?
Note: This FAQ will demonstrate how to set upport mapping for remote desktop to a computer running on the LANport with a private IP address of
Step 1: Open the web browser and type the IPaddress of the firewall into the address bar (default is192.168.1.1). Press Enter.
Step 2: Click on the plus sign next to Objects,select Address Book, and then select Interface Addresses.
Step 3: Click on Add and select IP address fromthe dropdown menu.
Step 4: Configure the IP address asfollows:
* Name: Name as desired (private_ip in thisexample).
* IP Address: IP address of the computer that isgoing to be mapped.
Click on OK.
Step 5: Click on the plus sign next to Rulesand then select IP Rules.
Step 6: Click on Add and then select IP RuleFolder from the dropdown menu.
Step 7: Enter a name as desired (port_mappingin this example) and then click on OK.
Step 8: Click on Add and select IP Rule fromthe dropdown menu.
Step 9: Create the IP Rule as follows:
* Name: Name as desired
* Action: SAT
* Service: rdp
* Schedule: None
* Source interface: any
* Source network: all-nets
* Destination interface: core
* Destination network: wan1_ip
Note: If WAN1 is configured for DSL(PPPoE) or DHCP, selectip_wan1 as the Destination Network. If WAN1 is configured forStatic, select wan1_ip as the Destination Network
Step 10: Click on the SAT tab and under New IPAddress select private_ip (as created in Step 4) from the dropdownmenu. Check the box labeled All-to-One mapping: rewrite alldestination IPs to a single IP and then click on OK.
Step 11: Click on Add to create another IP Ruleand configure it as followed:
* Name: Name as desired
* Action: Allow
* Service: rdp
* Schedule: None
* Source interface: any
* Source network: all-nets
* Destination interface: core
* Destination network: wan1_ip
Click on OK.
Step 12: Click on the Configuration tab andselect Save and Activate from the dropdown menu. Click on OK tosave and activate your changes.
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