How do I activate IDS/IPS on my NetDefend firewall?
After purchasing your DFL-800/1600/2500 NetDefend firewall, you can register with D-Link for a 3 months free trial subscribtion.
To use IDS, your DFL-800/1600/2500 needs firmware 2.04 or above. Please login to the DFL-800/1600/2500 and verify the firmware version before proceeding.
To register for IDS, press the Register for IDS Update or view current status button inthe section IDS/IDP -> IDS Updates, or use this link:
To register, choose a username and password, enter your contact details, and copy the information on the base of your DFL-800/1600/2500 (Serial Number and MAC ID). In the DeviceAlias field you may input the model name, or the device name if you prefer.
Once registered, please wait for the activation email fromD-Link, which will activate your 3 month trial subscribtion.
Back on the DFL-800/1600/2500 interface, press the Update Now button, or check the option Enable Autoupdate using a weekly or monthly schedule.
Press OK and then Save and activate
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