How do I setup and install my DCS 5222L
Step 1: Connect your DCS-5222L to your broadband router with an Ethernet cable
Step 2: Power on the DCS-5222L
Step 3: Download and launch the install wizard for your camera from
Step 2: Power on the DCS-5222L
Step 3: Download and launch the install wizard for your camera from
Step 4: Go through install Wizard:
- Step 1: Choose Language and Click Start
- Step 2: Accept the Terms and Conditions and click Next
- Step 3: Setup Camera
- Step 4: Select your DCS-5222L and enter a new password for it
- Step 5: Select the connection type for the Camera. Wired (Ethernet) or Wireless
- Step 6: Add the DCS-5222L to your existing mydlink account or create a new one.
- Step 7: Setup is complete, Click Done
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