How do I set up my DCS-2802KT-EU?
Step 1 : Press the SYNC button on each camera to power them on. Continue setup in the app.
Step 2 : Download and install the mydlink app on your mobile device by scanning the QR code above for your Android or iOS device
Step 3 : New users:
Tap Sign Up to register for a mydlink account, then tap Add a Device to install your camera. Continue in the app.
Existing users:
Sign In using your mydlink account and tap the icon at the top left, then tap Add a Device to start the setup wizard. Continue in the app.
STEP 4 : If you select "Yes" in the app, scan the QR code on the back side of the hub. Continue in the app.
If you select "No" in the app then select the DCS-H100 hub from the menu. Continue in the app.
STEP 5 : Make sure the you have plugged in an Ethernet cable from your router or gateway into the LAN portand that you also have plugged in the power adapaer into the hub. Make sure the power button is pressed down. Continue in the app.
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