How do I connect my DBT-120 to my Motorola Phone via Bluetooth?
Note: This FAQ applies to most Motorola PhoneOS´s however has been fully tested with the MotorolaE815, Motorola Cingular RAZR and MotorolaT-Mobile RAZR.
Step 1: Open My Bluetooth Placeson your desktop.
Step 2: If this is your first time openingMy Bluetooth Places, the Bluetooth Setup Wizardwill appear and walk you through setting up your first bluetoothdevice.
Step 3: Select your computer type and name thenclick on Next.
Step 4: Click on Next on theInitial Bluetooth Configuration screen.
Step 5: Choose the services you wish to installon your bluetooth device.
Step 6: Windows will now install the appropriatesoftware for your DBT-120 Services.
Step 7: Once Windows has finished installing yourservices, click on Next to go to the BluetoothDevice Selection window. Place your phone in FindMe mode.
A. Go toSettings on your phone menu. |
B. SelectConnections. |
C. SelectBluetooth. |
D. SelectSetup and click Find Me. *Makesure your phone has Bluetooth power ON. |
Step 8: Once your device has been found, select itfrom the list and click on Next.
Step 9: Now enter your PIN code and click onInitiate Pairing.
Note: Minimum PIN Code length must be 4 numericcharacters. Maximum allowed is 16.
Step 10: Your phone screen should now prompt youto bond with your PC. Click Yes and then enter the4-16 Digit PIN Code that you entered in the DBT-120 Software.
Step 11: Your phone should now have verified andsaved your PIN Code information. If it failed, you may have enteredin the wrong PIN Number on your phone and will need to click onInitiate Pairing once more and try again.
Step 12: Now you must select the services on yourphone you wish to use. Once you have done this click onNext.
Step 13: If you have another bluetooth device, youcan go through the wizard once more. If not click onSkip.
Step 14: Click on Finish.
Step 15: Re-open My BluetoothPlaces and your device should be listed with the availableservices.
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