How do I change the administrative password on my DWL-1700AP and DWL-1750?
This FAQ is for the DWL-1700AP and DWL-1750?
Step 1 Open a web browser and type the IP addressof the device in the address bar (default is wirelessand wired). Press Enter
Step 2 The default username isadmin (all lower case). The default password forthe DWL-1700AP is root (all lower case). Thedefault password for the DWL-1750 is blank (nothing). ClickOK.
Step 3 Click the Tools tab andthen click Admin to the left.
Step 4 Enter your new password and re-type it inthe space provided.
Step 5 Click Apply to save thenew password..
Note: You cannot change the username. The usernamewill always be admin. Also, you may be prompted tologin to the device after saving the new password.
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