How to Change the Time and Date Zone Via CLI - DXS-3600-Series

Step 1
 – Connect to console port of DXS-3600-32 and configure PuTTy as follows:

Note: COM7 is used in our example, however it may be different on you PC/Laptop. (To check this, you will need to go to Device Manager)

Step 2 – Once configured, click on “Session” and enter a name in “Saved Sessions”. Click “Save” then “Load
Click “Open

Step 3 – Once loaded, hit the enter key and create a user

Switch#configure terminal 
Switch(config)#username admin password admin
Switch(config)#username admin privilege 15
Switch#copy running-config startup-config
Destination filename startup-config? [y/n]:  y
Saving all configurations to NV-RAM.......... Done.

Step 4 – To set your switch clock to the correct time and date, enter the following:

Switch#clock set 18:23:00 24 jun 2015
Switch#show clock
     Current Time Source   : System Clock
     Current Time          : 18:23:07, 2015-06-24
     Time Zone             : UTC -01:00
     Daylight Saving Time  : Disabled

If your clock is not showing the correct “Time Zone” or and the time is not correct then follow these commands:
Switch(config)#show clock
     Current Time Source   : System Clock
     Current Time          : 18:28:18, 2015-06-24
     Time Zone             : UTC -01:00
     Daylight Saving Time  : Disabled

Switch(config)#clock timezone - 2 (use  (+) or (-)
Switch(config)#show clock

     Current Time Source   : System Clock
     Current Time          : 17:28:39, 2015-06-24
     Time Zone             : UTC -02:00
     Daylight Saving Time  : Disabled

Step 5 – Save changes by using the following commands:

Switch#copy running-config startup-config
Destination filename startup-config? [y/n]:  y
Saving all configurations to NV-RAM.......... Done.


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