How to schedule the switch's configuration backup on an SD card?
The following document is based on CLI commands.
In order to backup the configuration file of your DGS-3120 on an SD card using an automatic process, follow the following steps :
Step 1- Create a schedule (time_range). In our example, the schedule is called "test" and is set from 13h to 14h all days of the week.
config time_range test hours start_time 13:00:00 end_time 14:00:00 weekdays Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat
Step 2- Create a backup rule (SD card backup settings) to backup the configuration file on an SD card using the schedule you've just created. In our example, the backup file is called "autobackup.cfg"
create backup config time_range test filename d:/autobackup.cfg
NOTE : in order to work properly, the time of your switch needs to be set or manually or through an internet connection. If so, an NTP server IP will be requested and the IP and default gateway of your switch must ensure a proper connection to internet.
NOTE : the backup file created can't be used as a configuration file. To learn how to recover the this backup file on a new switch or on the same switch, follow this link.
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