The ADSL light on my modem/router will not come on. What should I do?
If the ADSL light does not turn on, this means that the modemcannot establish a connection with your ISP. There are severalsteps you can take to try and resolve this problem:
- Verify the ADSL cable is securely inserted into both themodem/router's ADSL port and the microfilter.
- If you have multiple telephone sockets on your premises, ensurethat the modem/router is connected to the master socket, i.e. theone closest to the point the telephone line enters thepremises.
- If you have other devices attached to your telephone line,ensure that these are plugged into a microfilter. If the line issplit, e.g. using splitters or by having multiple extensions, makesure that the microfilter is plugged in before the split, or ensurethat all devices after the split are plugged into a microfilterthemselves.
- Try upgrading the firmware on your router to the latestversion.
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