How do I open up ports to my computer (port forwarding) on this router?
Step 1 Type in the default IP address of therouter in your browser (default IP is
Step 2 Log in using the default username andpassword (username: admin, password: admin)
Step 3 Click on Advanced atthe top of the screen and then click on the PortForwarding option on the left.
Step 4 Under the 'Port Forwarding Rules'configuration, do the following:
a. Type in the name of the application/Service under the 'Name'field. i.e. WEBSERVER
b. Enter the TCP and/or UDP port in the TCP and UDP fields. i.e.TCP = 80 for a web server. For a range of ports, type in hyphen toseparate the Start and End of the port range (i.e. 2000-2009).
c. Select one of the Computer names under the 'ComputerName' drop down list. Click on the'<<' button. This will then add the IPAddress of the computer under the 'IP address' field. If themachine is not in the list, type in the IP Address manually in theIP Address field.
d. Click on the Add/Apply button to add the newPort Forwarding entry into the 'Active Port Forwarding Rules'list.
Step 5 Click on the Rebootbutton on the left to reboot the router with the new settings.
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