How do I enable UPnP™ on my DIR series router?
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) allows discovery of UPnP enableddevices in a network environment. UPnP is only available on WindowsMe and XP. If you are not using either operating system on any ofyour computers, or do not want to use UPnP, then it is recommendedto disable UPnP on the router.
- Open a web browser and type the IP address of the wirelessrouter in the address bar (default: Press Enter.
- The default username is admin (all lowercase)and the password field should be left blank. Click OK.
- Go to the ADVANCED tab, then click onADVANCED NETWORK
- Under the UPNP heading, tick the box labelledEnable UPnP
- Click Save Settings to apply the newsettings
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