How do I limit LAN to WAN traffic to only allow web and emails through?
Step 1: Open your web browserand enter the firewall IP address (default192.168.1.1) then press Enter.
Step 2: Enter your username and password, pressOK.
Step 3:Press Firewall andPolicy
Steg 4: Select optionLAN->WAN
Steg 5: The firewall has 4 standardLAN->WAN rules available. Leave thedrop_smb_all rule unchanged as it is blockingoutgoing NetBIOS packets.
Steg 6: Press Edit to changerule #2.
Steg 7: Select Delete thisrule further down on the page.
Then, press Apply to save the settings. Repeatthis step for rule #3 and #4.
Steg 8: Create a rule whichallows DNS, it will be needed to translate domain namesto IP addresses.
Press Firewall thenPolicy.
Steg 9:Press LAN->WAN
Steg 10: Press Add new.
Steg 11: Enter the following:
- Name - allow_dns
- Action - Allow
- Service - dns-all
- Schedule - Always
Steg 12: Press Apply to savethe settings
Repeate the steps 8-12 and create 3 rules with the followingsettings:
Rule 2 allows http anrop
- Name - allow_http
- Action - Allow
- Service - http-all
- Schedule - Always
Rule 3 allows SMTP requests
- Name - allow_smtp
- Action - Allow
- Service - smtp
- Schedule - Always
Rule 4 allows POP3 requests
- Name - allow_pop3
- Action - Allow
- Service - pop3
- Schedule - Always
Step 13: Press theActivate button from the lower left side ofthe page, to save all settings.
Step 14: Press ActivateChanges to reboot the firewall with the new settingsactivated.
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