How do I recover my wireless network’s password?
Method 1
Step 1: Open your web browser and enter http://dlinkrouter or http://dlinkrouter.local or into the address bar.
Step 2: The default username is Admin and the password is blank (nothing). Click Login.
Step 3: Click on the Setup tab at the top then click Wireless Settings on the left side
Step 4: Click on Add Wireless Device With WPS
Step 5: Choose Manual and then click Next
Your wireless network information should now be visible, including your wireless password (Pre-shared Key).
Method 2
Step 1: Click on the Setup tab at the top and click Wireless Settings on the left side
Step 2: Click on Manual Wireless Network Setup
Step 3: Scroll down the page to "Wireless Security Mode".
This is the section where you set the wireless password (Pre-Shared Key). You can input a new password; be sure to click Save Settings at the top of the page once complete.
Method 3
If you’ve registered your router with mydlink, you may log in to the mydlink web portal at to modify your router’s settings.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Log in to mydlink with your existing mydlink account and password.
Step 3: Choose the router from My Devices. Go to Settings.
Step 4: Go to Basic Settings to modify your password. You may also click “Show password” in order to display the password on your screen.
Step 5: Select Apply if you have made changes to Settings.
Step 6: Select Yes if you would like to apply the new settings to the router. It will take at least 80 seconds to save the changes and reboot the router.