Wi-Fi AC750 Dual Band Range Extender


  • Termék Státusz: End of Life
The DAP-1520 Wireless AC750 Dual-Band Range Extender is a portable plug-in wireless repeater that lets you extend an existing wireless network. You can place it anywhere in your home to increase the range of your wireless network. Tiny yet powerful, it supports Wireless AC speeds of up to 750 Mbps, yet fits in the palm of your hand.

Easy to Set Up, Easy to Use

Setting up the Wireless AC750 Dual-Band Range Extender is simple. You can use the supported QRS Mobile app on your iOS or Android mobile device to set up the DAP-1520 easily without needing a computer.
Alternatively, you can use one-touch configuration by pushing the WPS push-button on the DAP-1520 and on the router or AP you want to extend, and the DAP-1520 will automatically configure itself for you. It even includes a built-in setup wizard that lets you configure it wirelessly with a PC or mobile device.

Extend Your Wireless Network

Increase the coverage of your home Wireless network with the sleek and easy-to-use DAP-1520 Wireless AC750 Dual-Band Range Extender. Dual-band technology helps reduce interference from nearby wireless transmitters in the home, and also provides backward compatibility with older wireless devices in your network, allowing you to enjoy a blazing-fast, reliable wireless connection.

Compact, Convenient Design

The DAP-1520 is a compact device that is ideal for use at home or in a small office, as it does not take up much space and is ready to use by simply plugging it in. Its diminutive wall-plug design easily plugs into a power outlet without blocking other outlets and saves you the hassle of dealing with a power cord. Its sleek, unobtrusive appearance blends easily into the decor of your home or office.

Product Awards

DAP-1520 Review Dagbladet.no
D-Link DAP-1520 AC Range Extender
Easy to set up, works great, fairly easy, less performance loss than other devices.
Wireless standard
Wireless AC
Frequency band mode
Dual-band simultaneous
Wireless speed
300 Mbps 2.4 GHz
433 Mbps 5 GHz
Antenna type
Embedded omni-directional antennas
Wireless modes
Wireless extender


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This product was phased out on: 10/09/2018
This product's last date of support is on: 09/09/2020
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Version Date Type File Size
Datasheet - PDF 0.23mb Letölt
Version Leírás Date Type File Size
Product manual

Product manual

2014. 04. 15. PDF 5.39mb Letölt
Version Leírás Date Type File Size

Quick installation guide

2014. 05. 21. PDF 0.59mb Letölt
Ezen D-Link termék tartalmaz harmadik fél által fejlesztett szoftver kódokat, beleértve GNU "Általános Nyilvános Licenc" ("GPL") vagy a GNU "Lazábban Kezelt Általános Nyilvános Licenc" ("LGPL") szoftver kódokat. Amennyiben szükséges, a GPL és LGPL felhasználási feltételei és az információk, amelyek ezen termékben használt GPL és LGPL kódok elérése érdekében szükségesek, az Ön rendelkezésére állnak a következő címen:
Ezen termékben használt GPL és LGPL kódok GARANCIA NÉLKÜL lettek terjesztve, és azok egy vagy több szerző szerzői jogi védelme alatt állnak. Részletekért tekintse meg ezen termék GPL és LGPL kódját és a GPL és LGPL felhasználási feltételeit.
Version Leírás Date Type
Firmware 1.08 Firmware 2016. 06. 20. - Letölt

Release notes included

2016. 04. 13. - Letölt
Firmware Release notes included 1.06b04

Release notes included

2015. 07. 03. - Letölt
Firmware 1.05b02


2014. 10. 15. - Letölt
Version Leírás Date

CE declaration

2014. 05. 21. Letölt