Actualizaciones de Seguridad para Cámaras IP

Varios medios de comunicación han informado de vulnerabilidades en determinados modelos de la gama de Cámaras IP de D-Link, listados más abajo. La seguridad es una de las principales preocupaciones de D-Link, por lo que nuestro departamento técnico reacciona proactivamente a estas alertas y desarrolla actualizaciones (firmwares) para solucionarlas.

En esta página podrá encontrar el listado de modelos afectados y la descarga directa al firmware que soluciona los problemas de vulnerabilidad.

Si usted tiene una Cámara Cloud de la gama mydlink Cloud Services no debe preocuparse, ya que no se ha detectado ninguna vulnerabilidad. Además, recuerde que estas cámaras se actualizan automáticamente con los últimos firmwares al acceder al portal mydlink en

Descarga de actualizaciones de seguridad para los modelos afectados
Estas actualizaciones solucionan la vulnerabilidad detectada. Tras descargar el archivo comprimido en .zip, utilice la interfaz de gestión web de su Cámara IP. Para acceder a ella sólo tiene que introducir la dirección IP de la cámara en cualquier navegador. Puede encontrar esta información en su router. Si no está seguro de este valor, por favor descargue la utilidad “D-Link Network Camera Setup Wizard” que desvelará la dirección IP de la Cámara:

Jueves, 02/05/13
The beta firmware 1.04.7712 patch 01 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-1130 1.04.7712 patch 01
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 02/05/13
The beta firmware 1.06.7712 patch 01 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-2121 1.06.7712 patch 01
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

DCS-2121 (FR)
Jueves, 02/05/13
The beta firmware 1.06.7712 FR patch 01 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-2121 1.06.7712 FR patch 01
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

DCS-2121 (Tesco)
Jueves, 02/05/13
The beta firmware 1.05.7712 Tesco patch 02 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-2121 1.05.7712 Tesco patch 02
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 30/05/13
The firmware 1.20.00 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-2130 1.20.00
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 30/05/13
The firmware 1.01.09 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-2132L 1.01.09
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Lunes, 03/06/13
The firmware 1.20.00 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-2210 1.20.00
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Lunes, 03/06/13
The firmware 1.20.00 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-2230 1.20.00
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 30/05/13
The firmware 1.01.09 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-2310L 1.01.09
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 30/05/13
The firmware 1.01.03 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-2332L 1.01.03
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 30/05/13
The firmware 1.11.01 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-3112 1.11.01
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Miércoles, 01/05/13
The beta firmware 1.02.7815 patch 02 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-3411 1.02.7815 patch 02
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Miércoles, 01/05/13
The beta firmware 1.02.7815 patch 02 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-3430 1.02.7815 patch 02
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

DCS-3710 hardware version B1
Jueves, 30/05/13
The firmware 2.10.01 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-3710 B1 2.10.01
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 30/05/13
The firmware 1.10.01 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-3716 1.10.01
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Viernes, 31/05/13
The firmware 1.01b02 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-5020L 1.01b02
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Viernes, 31/05/13
The firmware 1.10.2729 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-5222L 1.10.2729
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 02/05/13
The beta firmware 1.01.7812 patch 02 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-5605 1.01.7812 patch 02
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 30/05/13
The firmware 1.01.17 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-6010L 1.01.17
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Viernes, 31/05/13
The firmware 1.01.01 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-6210 1.01.01
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 30/05/13
The firmware 1.12.04 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-6511 1.12.04
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 30/05/13
The firmware 1.01.01 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-6513 1.01.01
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 30/05/13
The firmware 1.01.09 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-7010L 1.01.09
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 02/05/13
The beta firmware 1.00.7712 PAL patch 01 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-7510 1.00.7712 PAL patch 01
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Lunes, 03/06/13
The firmware 1.01.02 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-7413 1.01.02
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Jueves, 30/05/13
The firmware 1.01.03 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-7513 1.01.03
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Viernes, 31/05/13
The firmware 1.01b7 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-933L 1.01b7
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Viernes, 31/05/13
The firmware 1.21.2702 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DCS-942L 1.21.2702
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to camera

Miércoles, 19/06/13
The beta firmware 1.50b03 that fixes the security vulnerabilities
DNR-322L 1.50b03 beta
Please note: please unzip the file first before updating to NVR