How to Set the Time and Date – DSR-500N and DSR-1000N

NOTE – To configure the Time and Date your will need the following:

• Console Cable
• PuTTy

Step 1 – Download PuTTy software from the following link:

Download the putty.exe

Step 2 – Connect the serial port of the DSR with your PC

Step 3 – Open PuTTy and setup a COM port (this will be present in device manager) 

DSR_N_How to_Set_Time_and_date1
Step 4 –
 Click on “Open”

Step 5 – Hit enter key and you should be presented with the Login screen

DSR_N_How to_Set_Time_and_date2

Set the time and date variables (Copy and paste into CLI):

Step 6 –
 Enter the following command to enter into the system time configuration

D-Link DSR> system time

Step 7 – Enter the following command to disable the ntp servers

system-config[time]>  configure_ntp_servers n (Y/N)

Step 8 – Enter the following command to configure the correct time-zone

system-config[time]> time_zone GMT::Greenwich-Mean-time-Dublin--Edinburgh--Lisbon--London 

Step 9 – Enter the following command to enable daylight savings

system-config[time]> enable_daylight_saving y (Y/N)

Step 10 – Enter the following command to configure year

system-config[time]> ntp_year 2014 (1970 - 2037)

Step 11 – Enter the following command to configure month (1-12)

system-config[time]> ntp_month 12

Step 12 – Enter the following command to configure day (1-31)

system-config[time]> ntp_day 30

Step 13 – Enter the following command to configure hour (0-23)

system-config[time]> ntp_hour 23

Step 14 – Enter the following command to configure minutes (1-60)

system-config[time]> ntp_minutes 46

Step 15 – Enter the following command to configure seconds (0-60)

system-config[time]> ntp_seconds 30

Step 16 – Enter the following command to sabe

system-config[time]> sabe

Tue Dec 30 23:13:30 GMT 2014

Tue Dec 30 23:13:30 GMT 2014

system-config[time]> exit

Step 17 – To confirm the date and time have been successfully configured

D-Link DSR> show system time setup

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