Wireless N HD Media Router


  • Termék Státusz: End of Life

D-Link’s Wireless N HD Media Router DIR-657 optimises your online home entertainment experience, giving you uninterrupted Internet connectivity so you can simultaneously stream music, videos and High Definition media to multiple devices. With Wireless N technology, the Wireless N HD Media Router gives you the very best in speed and coverage around your home.

Play, view or share your favourite music, videos and photos

With its built-in DLNA-certified Media Server, the Wireless N HD Media Router allows you to stream media content directly onto computers, game consoles and media players like the Boxee Box by D-Link. Insert a SD card complete with your photos, music and videos in to the card slot to share content with everyone in your home. You can even share any USB device (like a Printer or Hard Drive), courtesy of D-Link’s SharePort™ Plus technology across your network with family and friends.

Give your digital entertainment the bandwidth it needs

With some routers, all wired and wireless traffic, including Voice over IP (VoIP), video streaming, online gaming, and web browsing are mixed together into a single data stream. By handling data this way, applications such as streaming video may not have the bandwidth they need to give you a flawless viewing experience. With  D-Link’s QoS technology, wired and wireless traffic is analysed and separated into multiple data streams. Different applications like voice, video, and data will be automatically detected and prioritised so that you can game, talk online with friends overseas or stream the latest films without any lag or glitches.

IPv6 ready

This router is ready for the future of the Internet with support for the upcoming move from IPv4 to IPv6. It carries the IPv6 Ready Gold Logo, meaning that it not only supports the IPv6 protocol, but is also compatible with IPv6 equipment from other manufacturers. Using a dual stack architecture, this router can handle routing for both IPv4 and IPv6 networks at the same time, so you can be assured that your router is forward and backward compatible.

D-Link Green™

D-Link’s Wireless N HD Media Router is part of D-Link GreenTM, D-Link’s programme for providing eco-friendly alternatives without compromising performance. The   DIR-657 supports WLAN Scheduler, which switches off the wireless network when not needed, for example at night or during working hours. Also the power consumption is further reduced with its Energy StarTM power supply.

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Tudj meg többet!
Wireless standard
Wireless N
Wireless speed
300 Mbps 2.4 GHz
Antenna type
Embedded omni-directional antennas
Wired interface
1 x Gigabit Ethernet WAN
4 x Gigabit Ethernet LAN
USB ports
1 x USB 2.0
SD card slot


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This product was phased out on: 16/06/2015
This product's last date of support is on: 15/06/2017
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Hogyan változtathatja meg elfelejtett vezeték nélküli jelszavát?
Version Date Type File Size
Datasheet (English) - PDF 2.09mb Letölt
Version Leírás Date Type File Size
Manual (English) Manual (English) - PDF 9.75mb Letölt
Version Leírás Date Type File Size
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Ezen D-Link termék tartalmaz harmadik fél által fejlesztett szoftver kódokat, beleértve GNU "Általános Nyilvános Licenc" ("GPL") vagy a GNU "Lazábban Kezelt Általános Nyilvános Licenc" ("LGPL") szoftver kódokat. Amennyiben szükséges, a GPL és LGPL felhasználási feltételei és az információk, amelyek ezen termékben használt GPL és LGPL kódok elérése érdekében szükségesek, az Ön rendelkezésére állnak a következő címen:
Ezen termékben használt GPL és LGPL kódok GARANCIA NÉLKÜL lettek terjesztve, és azok egy vagy több szerző szerzői jogi védelme alatt állnak. Részletekért tekintse meg ezen termék GPL és LGPL kódját és a GPL és LGPL felhasználási feltételeit.
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Version Leírás Date
DEU_CE_Declaration_RevA CE Declaration 2012. 08. 31. Letölt