Aupark Shopping Centre Bratislava - D-Link equipment as part of the modern infrastructure
D-Link equipment as part of the modern infrastructure
Aupark Shopping Centre Bratislava - D-Link equipment as part of the modern infrastructure
D-Link equipment as part of the modern infrastructure
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Construction of the modern Aupark Shopping Centre Bratislava began in 2000. Construction continued over the next seven years, and from 2007 onwards, visitors had access to a 58 000 m2 site built to the latest standards and full of shops, restaurants, cafés and other leisure facilities including a cinema.
This shopping and leisure complex also provides a good-quality, fast internet connection for all visitors. In addition to a wide range of foods and designer clothing, shoppers welcome the chance to catch up with their work email or impress their friends on social networks with funny photos taken during their afternoon off.
The shopping centre was equipped with a wireless network from the start, but over time this proved to be insufficiently robust. This meant that the network had to be thoroughly updated, without interrupting the everyday operation of the complex as a whole.
MEDIA.COM Slovakia s.r.o. were chosen to implement this new project. This company had successfully set up the free-access Wi-Fi connection in the POLUS City Centre shopping mall in Bratislava - all the more reason for them to take on this project too.