Does DCS-6517 support D-View Cam?

Yes, DCS-6517 supports D-View Cam.

Step 1: Please make sure the items below:
1.    DCS-6517 firmware version: v2.00.03
DCS-6517 FAQ
2.    D-Link D-ViewCam Version: 4.2.1
3.    Device Pack Version: 2.2.9
DCS-6517 FAQ
DCS-6517 FAQ

Note: If your D-View Cam or Device Pack version is older, please download the file from technical support website.

Step 2: Select General Setting -> Setting -> System Setting:
DCS-6517 FAQ

Step 3: Select Camera -> Search New IP Camera, choose your camera and enter the admin password:
DCS-6517 FAQ

Step 4: Then you can see the live view image:
DCS-6517 FAQ

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